Non Profit Organizations/Governments:


Grant/Proposals (for 501(c) (3) designated NPOs & Governments)



Seeking less $1,000 - $ 5,000--




 Seeking $5,000 - $10,000--




 $10,001 - $50,000--


                        $50,000--And Above--





Non-designated 501(c) (3) NPOs/Smaller Groups/Individuals--




Faith-Based Organizations/Schools--



Prices are negotiable on a case-by-case basis, but the standard rates/fees are as follows:



 $150 (flat fee)




$200 (flat fee)



$300 (flat fee)


$25 (per hour, first billable no charge) 





Negotiable (flat fee to those seeking up to $50,000) 





Subtract $50 off each quote rate per range   amount